Simchat Torah Day! A joyful and meaningful celebration of our torah, our Judaism, our people, our strength & resilience! Am Yisrael Chai!
Join us on Fri morning, 25 Oct from 9:15am, as we finish reading the whole Torah, and then start it again!
All children under 13 will receive a call up! Hakafot dancing! Followed by delicious kiddush!
In recognition of exemplary service to and support of our Central Shule community, we honour and wish a hearty Mazal Tov to:
Woman of Honour:
Nicole Padowitz
Chatan Torah:
Last Aliya of the Torah
Myron Blecher
Chatan Bereishit:
First Aliya of the Torah
Farrel Spungin
Kol HaNe’arim:
The Children’s Aliya
Sam Kozer