central shule


, Central Shule Caulfield South
Our fun and empowering Bat and Bar Mitzvah programs prepare the boys and girls for their important milestone and journey ahead, while deepening their connection with Judaism and Central Shule.
, Central Shule Caulfield South

Bat & Bar mitzvah Program

, Central Shule Caulfield South

A fun, empowering and meaningful journey to Jewish adulthood, during which a wide variety of major Jewish topics, values and practices will be explored to enhance their experience of becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah.

Each interactive and engaging session focuses on one topic, including social responsibility, Shabbat and Chagim, self-esteem, Jewish identity, Jewish traditions, Israel, personal development and giving back to the community. We often welcome guest presenters who work in fields relevant to the topic being explored.

Our Bat Mitzvah ‘Roots and Wings’ Program is led by Sheina Sufrin and facilitated Rebbetzin Rivki and culminates in a beautiful Bat Mitzvah group ceremony in the Shule. Please contact Rivki here for further details.

Our Bar Mitzvah Program is led by Rabbi Shmuel, please contact him here for further details.

, Central Shule Caulfield South