Code of Conduct for Central Community Centre Inc (CCCInc) and Central Shule Chabad (CSC) (collectively referred to as “Central”) Personnel, Members and Visitors

, Central Shule Caulfield South

The Central Code of Conduct has been developed to protect children engaged in Central services, programs and activities.


All Central personnel, congregational members and visitors attending Central services, programs and events, are required to comply with this Code.

Central endeavours to ensure that all personnel and any congregational members directly supervising children are listed on the Central Working With Children Check Register (WWCC).

Conduct and Bearing of all Personnel, Members and Visitors

Acceptable Conduct

It is expected that all personnel, members and visitors will:

  • behave in a manner that promotes a child safe environment and a culture of respect for the customs and practices of the community;
  • ensure that their actions will not endanger the health, safety and wellbeing of themselves and/or others;
  • behave with courtesy and consideration for others, not acting in any way that would demean, shame or embarrass others;
  • refrain from all forms of bullying and harassment;
  • use language and tone of voice that is clear and affirming in communicating with children;
  • ensure that all written and electronic communication to primary aged children is copied to their parents;
  • ensure that all written and electronic communication relates directly to Central authorised activity/ies and:
    • if sent to primary school age children is copied to their parents and the Central office address; and
    • if sent to post primary school age children, is copied to the Central office address;
  • ensure that any photographs or video recordings made of any child(ren) show them appropriately clothed and respectfully posed.

Unacceptable Conduct

Unacceptable conduct includes but is not limited to:

  • touching, handling, pushing or otherwise physically or sexually engaging with children or others in a manner that is inappropriate (e.g. tickling, kissing, touching a child’s genitals or breasts, oral sex or intercourse with a child) and may endanger the safety, health and wellbeing of that person;
  • sexualised non-contact behaviour such as flirting, sexual innuendo, exposure to pornography or nudity;
  • assisting with personal hygiene such as toileting without parental consent and where the child does not request assistance;
  • any form of physical violence including wrestling, horse-play, fighting, assault or gestures or conduct;
  • any form of physical restraint or discipline;
  • any form of cyber bullying or cyber abuse;
  • language or conduct that is likely to offend, intimidate, harass, bully or unfairly discriminate against any child, Central personnel, member of the congregation or visitor, contractor or other. This may include threatening language and gestures.
  • misuse of Central resources to take or distribute unauthorised digital images of children;
  • the use of inappropriate or profane words, gestures and/or images, including but not limited to sexualised and/or pornographic images;
  • providing children with alcohol or drugs, except in circumstances which are legally acceptable;
  • attending services, programs and/or events whilst intoxicated by alcohol or under the influence of illicit drugs or other harmful substances;
  • taking and posting photos and videos in which the subjects are presented in a manner that is unacceptable to the custom and standard of the community;
  • giving gifts, without parental consent, that are not directly related to Central services, programs and activities and that are not equally available to all children (this does not include personal gifts given in the context of a formal invitation issued by parents to a child’s life cycle event e.g. bar/bat mitzvah);
  • communicating with children via email or text messages or any other platforms, outside the context of Central services, programs and events;
  • transporting children to or from events or venues without appropriate written consent from parents and in the context of an authorised program specifically requiring such a


There may be exceptional situations in which the Code of Conduct guidelines are not applied, for example, in an emergency situation where the safety of a child is at risk. However, it is crucial that, as soon as possible, the Central President, committee and/or Child Safety Officer is advised of the breach in observing the Code of Conduct, or advised as soon as possible after any incident in which these guidelines have been contravened.


Any breach of these guidelines may be viewed as misconduct, and appropriate disciplinary action may be taken. Such disciplinary action may, depending on the seriousness of the misconduct, include suspension of employment or membership while matters are investigated and/or dismissal from employment or termination of membership. In addition to any internal disciplinary proceedings, Central’s Committee, President and/or Child Safety Officer will report to Victoria Police all instances in which a breach of the law has or may have occurred.


Reviewed 14 June 2023

, Central Shule Caulfield South